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We make the difference

VC999 Medical
Your leading packaging process partner

A validated process from one source:
Our Packaging Machine      →
Packaging Material              → validated → shelf life up to 10 years
All processes                       →

The full package → certified according to DIN EN ISO13485:2016
a worldwide unique combination


Saving Costs

VC999 recognized the needs of many customers as well as the signs of the times and carried out its own packaging validation with a shelf life of up to 10 years. This for all common materials such as PA/PE, Tyvek and Paper/Film. This saves you, the user, high testing and documentation costs. We adapt your application to our process.


Faster Implementation

As a customer, you save the time-consuming artificial aging tests. You do not have to wait for 1.5 years, you can submit our Basic validation to your Notified Body and start with your production very soon.


Less Efforts

The packaging validation efforts with regard to documentation and the associated know-how is extremely cost-intensive. The use of our process solution reduces your efforts to submitting the documents to the notified body. Our team of experts with many years of experience has done this labour-intensive task for your company in advance.


The complete Medical-Packaging solution


Do you have questions? Please contact our experts!

VC999 Verpackungssysteme AG

Medical Division

Melonenstrasse 2

9100 Herisau/Switzerland


+41 71 35 35 900

* Mandatory Fields

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